Dirt DJ
(2023)Stereo Sound; 11 minutes 1 second
Tap into the energy of microorganisms inside the earth's soil. What do these bacteria inside of land say to us? Dirt DJ shares artistic methods for harvesting alternative energy that heightens human awareness of other species. Layering geological research on coal histories, oral histories with residents on energy in the Ruhr area and connecting power circuits with imaginative thinking form this radio program.
How can we live synergistically together with currents flowing through the earth? bacilli (James Jack, Yoshitaka Nanjo & Shotaro Yoshino) is an artist collective formed in 2014 based in the archipelago of Japan with the aim tonurture active spaces for living with dirt, history, people, food, microbes and spirits. Through artistic engagement with earth, they build hopeful models for how we can live in co-habitation with more than human life. This work is made in collaboration with Jevon Chandra.
(text by bacilli)
2023 — Forum Pixelache and lumbung radio, an inter-local online community radio part first formed for documenta fifteen